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Patient credits experts in sports-medicine, cancer for quick diagnosis and treatment

Patient credits experts in sports-medicine, cancer for quick diagnosis and treatment

Mark Adair says he tries to live healthy – eats right, lifts weights and does cardio exercise - so he was surprised when a lump showed itself in his upper side while he was doing pushups.

He went to the Carle Sports Medicine walk-in clinic in Champaign for a free evaluation and it was there that he saw a physician who knew they needed to take quick action. His providers immediately ordered tests, images, and a specialist’s review. A week later he had the grapefruit-sized lump, caused by stage 2 diffuse large B cell lymphoma, removed and it took just 28 stitches.

He underwent four chemotherapy treatments for 12 hours and now, no cancer is evident. Carle Cancer Institute Urbana oncologist, Maria Grosse Perdekamp, MD, said, “His prognosis is excellent. Mark has tolerated the treatment very well. He continues his work as a home inspector while receiving chemotherapy.”

 “It has been an amazing journey. I think they are angels there,” Adair said.” You don’t have to travel long distances to get world-class care. We have it right here.”

Adair credited Sara Dumich Abbott, MD, for first recognizing the tumor for what it was and taking quick action to connect him with a surgeon. She has since moved out of state with her family, but she recalls the case.

“I am so glad that Mark came into our sports walk-in clinic and that I was there to help get him the tests and specialist referrals that he needed to get a quick diagnosis.  I am happy to hear he is on the road to recovery,” she said.

While Adair said he feels blessed with his care and the outcome, he also tells a cautionary tale about being attentive to one’s health.

“Just because you might feel like you are in good shape, you can still get cancer,” he said.

A home inspector and active community member in his hometown of Tolono, Adair said he lived for six or seven months with a smaller version of the lump he had removed before doing anything. “I thought it was a pulled muscle.”

Adair said, “My gut instinct then was to go to the hospital, but I did not do it because I was between insurance policy coverages. Waiting was a big mistake.”  The tumor grew into his chest wall and under his arm pit.
Adair said people fear the worst when they hear cancer. His message is to not follow his example but have anything unusual checked out right away.

Dr. Grosse Perdekamp said lymphomas usually come “out of the blue” but that they are visible to the outside of the body is uncommon.

“Sometimes people are afraid to come to the doctor. We have state-of-the art treatment available. If you come early, there is a good chance to be cured,” she said.

Carle Health offers premiere cancer treatment and support services at locations throughout central Illinois. This includes Carle Cancer Institute Urbana, Carle Cancer Institute Normal and Oncology Services at Carle Health Methodist Hospital in Peoria.

Categories: Culture of Quality, Community

Tags: cancer, Carle Cancer Institute, Champaign-Urbana, Sports Medicine