Mesh sling surgery offers hope to women seeking sense of normalcy after years of frustration
Having a baby is an exciting, but often scary time. Carle Health is here to guide you through your pregnancy journey, offering birthing services at four of our hospitals - Carle Health Methodist Hospital, Carle BroMenn Medical Center, Carle Foundation Hospital, and Carle Richland Memorial Hospital. Whether your pregnancy is low- or high-risk, our specialized staff and facilities can meet your needs at any of our obstetric clinics, and labor and delivery departments.
When you are ready to become pregnant, it is important that you speak with your Carle doctor to begin the process. During this time, we will check for any risks to you and your baby during pregnancy. We will also address any medical issues you may have before you decide to become pregnant.
To start planning for your pregnancy, make a preconception counseling appointment with your provider by calling (217) 383-3140.
Sometimes a cesarean birth (C-section) is the safest way to deliver your baby. A cesarean birth is a procedure in which the doctor surgically delivers your baby. While a C-section birth may be frightening at first, it can be just as joyous and rewarding for you and your birth partner as a vaginal birth.
A C-section birth may be needed for a number of reasons – your baby is in distress or in the wrong position, your pelvis is too small, your baby is too large, your labor isn’t progressing, or you had a previous delivery by C-section.
C-section births take place in an obstetrical operating room where you will be attended by:
To prepare you for a C-section birth, your nurse will start an intravenous therapy (IV), clean and shave your lower abdomen. Usually, you will be given spinal or epidural anesthesia. Then a catheter, or thin tube, will be inserted into your bladder. The anesthesia allows you to be awake during the birth and to share the birth experience. In most cases, your support person will be allowed to be with you during the surgical procedure. There are some circumstances which medically require general anesthesia. You can discuss options with your provider.
Following the C-section birth, there will be a one- to two-hour recovery period in the recovery room. During that time, you will be watched closely and made as comfortable as possible. Generally, your baby will be with you during your recovery time to maximize bonding and initiate breastfeeding if desired. You will have a nurse with you throughout your c-section recovery.
If you are having a scheduled C-section , your care provider will share specific surgery instructions with you prior to your scheduled surgery date, and you will receive a call the evening before from Labor and Delivery with additional information.
All of our baby classes are open to both Carle and non-Carle patients. A small fee is charged for some classes to cover expenses, but for most classes there are no fees. We do ask, however, that you register in advance for any of the classes offered.
View upcoming All About Baby classes
Labor and delivery, Family Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Family Medicine, Labor and delivery, Obstetrics & Gynecology
With doctors practicing in 80 specialties at locations throughout the region, it’s easy to find the right healthcare team at Carle. Our mission is to serve people through high quality care, medical research and education.
Please Contact Us if you have any questions.