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Champaign Region Healthcare Coalition

24/7 Emergency Contact line: 217-337-3911

This is the dispatch center for Carle Health Arrow Ambulance.  Callers will need to provide dispatch with all important information and what the specific need is (including time frame).  Resources will be dispatched as necessary.  Please ensure their is a reliable point of contact name and phone number.

Note: For non-emergencies you can still use the email and it will be checked during the next business day.


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Mission & Purpose of Champaign Region Healthcare Coalition

The responsibility of Champaign Region HCC will in no way supersede, replace or relieve healthcare facilities of their institutional and regulatory responsibilities and requirements during an emergency.  In addition, the Champaign Region HCC does not subvert the authority and responsibility of any community, village, city, and/or county EMAs within the Champaign Region.   Champaign Region HCC member participation in emergency response shall be coordinated via the RHCC or designee working with IDPH OPR.


The strategic goals of the Champaign Region HCC are to:

The purpose of the Champaign Region HCC is to develop/enhance plans to unify, coordinate and manage emergency planning, response, and recovery for the healthcare systems within  Champaign Region.  During a planned event, unplanned disaster, or emergency, the Champaign Region HCC participates and supports response efforts in coordination with LEMAs, LHDs, & IDPH OPR.  The Champaign Region HCC also maintains an Emergency Operations Plan (“EOP”) that supports and strengthens relationships between and among all members of the Champaign Region HCC. The support shall be in the form of sharing information and subject matter expertise that will enhance emergency preparedness capacity and proficiency across Champaign Region during emergencies. Resources and volunteer personnel are also available per the guidelines of the Champaign Region HCC EOP, its associated annexes and the Illinois Helps Standard Operating Guidelines (“SOGs”).

The mission of the Champaign Region HCC is to unify the coordination of Champaign Region’s healthcare systems to a level that will be necessary if operations move from conventional to contingency to crisis care.

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