Team members and community members working and visiting Carle Foundation Hospital will now experience a different type of welcome as they enter the Park Street doors. A COVID-19 recognition display. The visual exhibit installed in July comes as team members and area community members feel the continued sacrifice and strain the Coronavirus has on our work and personal lives. It serves as a message of gratitude for the dedicated support Carle Health team members offer those affected by COVID-19 and recognizes the many lives lost too soon to the devastating disease.
Carle Health Creative designers Stephen Glasgow and Shanna Kyrouac created the display concept with direction from Nursing and Hospital Operations leaders.
“COVID has had such a horrible impact on our society and has left so many of us wanting to do something to help in whatever way possible,” Glasgow, Carle Health senior graphic designer, said. “When this project was presented to the Creative team, I think we all took it personally. Even though we don’t work directly with patients,
it offered us a way to create something that acknowledges all of those affected – from our patients, their families and friends, plus all of the healthcare providers taking care of them. Out of any project I have worked on in my time here at Carle, this by far felt the most impactful."
Throughout the piece, red and white butterflies cascade from the large entryway windows in a fluid motion, suspend from the ceiling and flow toward the main entrance doors. The concept represents the patient’s journey through the pandemic using butterflies – red butterflies representing patients who Carle team members were able to help go home and white butterflies representing patients who never made it home.
“When we were presented with the project, butterflies seemed so obvious to me,” Kyrouac, Carle Health graphic designer, said.
“They can be so symbolic of so many things, the first being how delicate they are – much like life when COVID-19 hit. They can also be a symbol of metamorphosis butterflies go through so many changes and phases of life and have to learn a new normal in each phase – much like we've had to do over the last few years. It's projects like this that make me so proud to work for Carle.”
As the organization braces for rising COVID-19 infection rates and adjusting safety procedures, this exhibit serves as just one way to recognize and thank the remarkable Carle Health team for their continued dedication. Vaccination continues to be the most effective way to stop community transmission. While this display aims to acknowledge all Carle Health team members, aligning COVID-19 displays are in considerations for other hospitals in the system.
Carle Health Creative designers Stephen Glasgow and Shanna Kyrouac created the display concept with direction from Nursing and Hospital Operations leaders.
“COVID has had such a horrible impact on our society and has left so many of us wanting to do something to help in whatever way possible,” Glasgow, Carle Health senior graphic designer, said. “When this project was presented to the Creative team, I think we all took it personally. Even though we don’t work directly with patients,

Throughout the piece, red and white butterflies cascade from the large entryway windows in a fluid motion, suspend from the ceiling and flow toward the main entrance doors. The concept represents the patient’s journey through the pandemic using butterflies – red butterflies representing patients who Carle team members were able to help go home and white butterflies representing patients who never made it home.
“When we were presented with the project, butterflies seemed so obvious to me,” Kyrouac, Carle Health graphic designer, said.
“They can be so symbolic of so many things, the first being how delicate they are – much like life when COVID-19 hit. They can also be a symbol of metamorphosis butterflies go through so many changes and phases of life and have to learn a new normal in each phase – much like we've had to do over the last few years. It's projects like this that make me so proud to work for Carle.”
As the organization braces for rising COVID-19 infection rates and adjusting safety procedures, this exhibit serves as just one way to recognize and thank the remarkable Carle Health team for their continued dedication. Vaccination continues to be the most effective way to stop community transmission. While this display aims to acknowledge all Carle Health team members, aligning COVID-19 displays are in considerations for other hospitals in the system.
Categories: Community