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Healthcare-related scams designed to steal personal data are on the rise

Healthcare-related scams designed to steal personal data are on the rise
Being your trusted partner is something that we take seriously at Carle Health. This commitment extends beyond your physical health and applies to the health of your data privacy. Unfortunately, it has become more common for scammers to falsely impersonate the communication tools health systems use to connect with and inform patients.

Your health and your data are important to us.  We know that technology plays a critical role in your care. And as your healthcare partner, we want to proactively share information to help you spot a potential scam – and protect your data privacy.
  • BE AWARE of calls or messages that urge you to take immediate action to avoid negative consequences.
  • PAY ATTENTION TO THE DETAILS within the message. You may notice misspellings or inaccuracies that don’t line up with your personal experience.
  • TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS and don’t be afraid to verify its legitimacy if a message seems suspicious.
  • KNOW OUR POLICY that Carle Health will never request personal information from patients via a text message or email. 

Carle Health works hard to ensure our systems are secure so that your data is safe. If you have concerns that a communication sent to you is inauthentic, we are here to help. Please call the MyCarle Patient Support Line at (217) 326-4001.

Categories: Community

Tags: Community, Information, IT, MyCarle, MyChart, Scam, Security