Pink ribbons will soon blanket our community and airwaves in support of Breast Cancer Awareness
Month and while awareness is key, a screening can save your life.
Danville’s Pam Warner said she gets her yearly mammogram because cancer is a horrible disease that
affects many.
“I don’t think I’ve met anyone who hasn’t been affected by cancer,” she said.
Last year, Carle approached her about participating in a research study when her mammogram came due and she jumped on board.
The Tomosynthesis Mammographic Imaging Screening Trial, or TMIST, randomly assigns women to receive either 2D or 3D screening mammograms for five years to study how patient history and risk factors affect breast imaging.
Eligible women age 45 – 75 who plan to have a routine screening and who do not have or have not had breast cancer, can easily participate. There is no additional cost involved beyond the cost of the mammogram, and no extra time or hassle. To learn more about participating, call (217) 431-7657.
“This is such a simple way to help us fight this battle and get a leg up on cancer,” Warner said. She joins
nearly 100 other Vermilion county women who said yes when Carle called.
Most importantly, participation in this study involves a one-time voluntary collection of saliva and blood
to help develop a more personalized approach to breast cancer screening.
“The study data including cancer diagnoses, number of false positive biopsies, recalls, cost, imaging, pathology and biomarkers will hopefully advance the standard of care for future generations,” Kendrith Rowland, MD, Medical Oncology said.
“That’s the beautiful thing about research. It helps us answer all sorts of questions,” Warner said.
Perhaps seeing a pink ribbon in a window storefront or hearing an ad on the radio this month will get women thinking about getting a mammogram and even consider participating in groundbreaking research.
Warner said she encourages other women to get involved and learn more about the study and the long-
term benefits.

“I will be – and you can be too – one of those people years from now saying, ‘I was part of that change,’” she said.
The National Cancer Institute launched the TMIST study in Sept. 2017 and hopes to attract 156,000 women worldwide. Nearly 100 patients in Danville and more than 1,300 patients in Urbana have already enrolled and about 30,000 have signed up nationwide. Carle has the second-highest recruitment
number in the country, and even signed up the first woman for the study.
Month and while awareness is key, a screening can save your life.
Danville’s Pam Warner said she gets her yearly mammogram because cancer is a horrible disease that
affects many.

“I don’t think I’ve met anyone who hasn’t been affected by cancer,” she said.
Last year, Carle approached her about participating in a research study when her mammogram came due and she jumped on board.
The Tomosynthesis Mammographic Imaging Screening Trial, or TMIST, randomly assigns women to receive either 2D or 3D screening mammograms for five years to study how patient history and risk factors affect breast imaging.
Eligible women age 45 – 75 who plan to have a routine screening and who do not have or have not had breast cancer, can easily participate. There is no additional cost involved beyond the cost of the mammogram, and no extra time or hassle. To learn more about participating, call (217) 431-7657.
“This is such a simple way to help us fight this battle and get a leg up on cancer,” Warner said. She joins
nearly 100 other Vermilion county women who said yes when Carle called.
Most importantly, participation in this study involves a one-time voluntary collection of saliva and blood
to help develop a more personalized approach to breast cancer screening.

“That’s the beautiful thing about research. It helps us answer all sorts of questions,” Warner said.
Perhaps seeing a pink ribbon in a window storefront or hearing an ad on the radio this month will get women thinking about getting a mammogram and even consider participating in groundbreaking research.
Warner said she encourages other women to get involved and learn more about the study and the long-
term benefits.

“I will be – and you can be too – one of those people years from now saying, ‘I was part of that change,’” she said.
The National Cancer Institute launched the TMIST study in Sept. 2017 and hopes to attract 156,000 women worldwide. Nearly 100 patients in Danville and more than 1,300 patients in Urbana have already enrolled and about 30,000 have signed up nationwide. Carle has the second-highest recruitment
number in the country, and even signed up the first woman for the study.
Categories: Culture of Quality
Tags: breast cancer, cancer, Danville, Hoopeston, research, Vermilion, women's health