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Surgery may be performed to achieve one or more of the following goals:

Preventive surgery is performed to remove growths or tissues that are likely to develop into cancer.

Diagnosis and Staging
A biopsy may be performed to discover whether a growth is cancerous, and if so, how far the disease has progressed.

Curative surgery aims to remove an entire tumor.

Tumor Reduction
Called "debulking," this surgery is performed to remove the majority of a tumor. Some cancer cells may remain and may be removed by other treatment methods.

Palliative surgery does not treat cancer but rather alleviates pain and other complications that a cancer may cause.

Reconstru tive surgery addresses body image concerns resulting from cancer or cancer treatment. Options may include breast reconstruction, facial reconstruction or scar revision.

Surgical Specialties
Surgeons are available at Carle in the following specialties:

  • Breast
  • Colon rectal
  • General
  • Gynecologic
  • Head and neck
  • Heart, lung and vascular
  • Neurosurgery
  • Ophthalmology
  • Oral and maxillofacial
  • Plastic/reconstructive
  • Podiatry
  • Prostate
  • Spine and orthopedic
  • Thyroid
  • Urologic

Meet Our Team

Meet Our Team

With doctors practicing in 80 specialties at locations throughout the region, it’s easy to find the right healthcare team at Carle. Our mission is to serve people through high quality care, medical research and education.


Please Contact Us if you have any questions.