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Carle Health Golf Open

Date and Time:
September 08, 2024 - 7:00 a.m.
September 09, 2024 - 7:00 p.m.
Atkins Golf Club
2560 S Stone Creek Blvd
Urbana, IL


About this event

Having a Level I Trauma Center at Carle Foundation Hospital is critically important to Champaign-Urbana and our surrounding communities. Our Emergency Department is known for its lifesaving care – open 24/7/365, with our expert teams always ready to meet the most critical needs of people arriving from across our entire region. We're proud of this outstanding care – and support from the 2024 Carle Health Golf Open will help us significantly enhance our Emergency Department to best serve patients for years to come. Contributions may be used for various purposes, including equipment upgrades, improvements to trauma bays and specialized treatment areas, and educational opportunities for our medical teams.

This year, Super Tickets are included with every sponsor level. Super Tickets provide each golfer with several on-course advantages including a drive by the University of Illinois Golf Pro, a “do over” to be used anywhere on the course and a chance to tee it up at the forward tee on Hole #15 for an 80-yard advantage. It also includes a raffle ticket. We thank you for your generosity and support – your sponsorship of the 2024 Carle Health Golf Open will ensure we can continue to provide the highest level of care to all those who count on us throughout our community.