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Culture of Quality Stories

Partner investment in 7 Tesla MRI impacts Illinois research, patient care

Carle Foundation Hospital and the University of Illinois launch an exciting first-of-its-kind partnership to conduct both basic and applied research to advance and improve patient care.

Research and patient education meld with plenty of heart

Screenings featured hand-held devices that pair with smartphones and tablets to measure and report a person’s heart rhythm.

Stroke-prevention procedure serves as option for high-risk patients

Carle is the only Illinois hospital outside the Chicago and St. Louis areas to offer TransCarotid Artery Revascularization (TCAR).

Carle positions itself for success in research, and it's paying off

Carle Heart and Vascular Institute's Benjamin Rhee, MD: "Now is not the time to hold back. Now is the time to jump in.”

Future physician-engineer puts her heart and soul into research

Heart and stroke prevention benefit from Carle staff and Carle Illinois College of Medicine students partnering on research.

Sensor study launching at Carle attracts national attention

Information from the penny-sized, battery-free flexible sensors will alert staff and help prevent skin sores, irritation and pressure ulcers.

Tanner's tale: Epilepsy, autism and a team that won't quit

Carle Foundation Hospital achieved Level 3 Epilepsy Center accreditation from the National Association of Epilepsy Centers.

Research-rich career changes lives far beyond cellular level

Dr. Greenberg’s life work is impactful to patients and their families, with the digestive health team serving about 5,000 patients a year.

About Us

Our mission is to serve people through high-quality care, medical research and education. Based in Urbana, IL, Carle Health is a vertically integrated health system with more than 11,000 employees.

Media Policy

Carle Public Relations will strive to cooperate with the media to the fullest extent possible. If information is not readily available, we will work to find an answer and return the call as soon as possible.

Contact Public Relations

The Public Relations department at Carle operates during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. CST. To contact a staff member, please call the media information line at (217) 902-5201 or email