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Carle Stories

Friendships important for belonging, wellness and a healthy life

Building a community of friends proves to be an important aspect of living a healthy life and maintaining a strong well-being.

How thyroids can impact weight management

For many people, the health of their thyroid gland plays a major role in properly maintaining a healthy weight. During Thyroid Awareness Month , learning more about the organ and getting support if needed is important.

Healthy holiday hunger: Carle Health experts offer nutrition tips and tricks

As we indulge in some of our favorite end-of-the-year treats, dietitians in the Greater Peoria service area have a few tips, tricks and helpful recipes for staying healthy and happy this holiday season.

Stay Healthy this Holiday Season by Managing your Blood Pressure

We often gather for family, food and friends at the end of the year. Managing your blood pressure can keep you healthy throughout the holiday season.

Starting the New Year with good nutrition

Whether you are keeping a new year’s resolution or combatting illness through nutritional choices, eating healthy may be easier than you thought.

Honor holiday traditions in safe ways

While the idea of gathering for Thanksgiving is exciting this year, keeping the holiday safe is essential.

Old treatment applied to new virus bringing hope to sickest COVID-19 patients.

Experimental treatment study to boost patient’s ability to fight the virus that causes COVID-19 more effectively approved at Carle.

Take time now to plan for tomorrow’s healthcare needs

Use National Healthcare Decisions Day (April 16) to start talking about or complete your advance directive care planning.

UofI and Carle Health team up to produce face shield for health care workers

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and Carle Health team up to design and produce face shield for health care workers

United Together - How community can support Carle staff

While you’re staying safe at home, if you would like to show your support of all of our brave essential team members, we have some ideas.

Carle, Grainger College of Engineering develop working prototype of emergency ventilator

The Grainger College of Engineering and Carle Health demonstrate working prototype of emergency ventilator for COVID-19 patients.

Stay connected with friends and family

Carle introduces tools to help you stay in touch with your loved ones.

Area healthcare partners key in community pandemic plans

The best defense against illness is effective hand washing and minimizing contact with sick people.

Healthy Beginnings welcomes more moms (and dads) to free classes

Because the classes – and the camaraderie they create – are so essential, Healthy Beginnings organizers are opening their 2020 offerings to people who aren’t in the program.

Nurse-turned-volunteer loves every Healthy Beginnings moment

“I didn't feel ready to jump back into working full time. Volunteering one day a week is a perfect fit for me right now.”

About Us

Our mission is to serve people through high-quality care, medical research and education. Based in Urbana, IL, Carle Health is a vertically integrated health system with more than 11,000 employees.

Media Policy

Carle Public Relations will strive to cooperate with the media to the fullest extent possible. If information is not readily available, we will work to find an answer and return the call as soon as possible.

Contact Public Relations

The Public Relations department at Carle operates during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. CST. To contact a staff member, please call the media information line at (217) 902-5201 or email