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Carle receives an 'A' for quality patient safety and accountability

Continuous improvements and quality care are top priorities while caring for the region’s sickest patients.

Timely tech inspires healing, reduces children's fears

Region’s first child-friendly CT projector creates unique scenes to make tests less scary for young patients.

Community partners join forces for services and healthy smiles

Carle's Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery team plays a critical role in providing much-needed dental care to area residents.

Badminton lover serves up selflessness in healthcare

Student leader Priyanka Bahel shares passion for helping and builds leadership skills earning her a Governor’s Volunteer Service Award.

Tanner's tale: Epilepsy, autism and a team that won't quit

Carle Foundation Hospital achieved Level 3 Epilepsy Center accreditation from the National Association of Epilepsy Centers.

Carle neurology innovators gain Level 3 Epilepsy Center accreditation

The only other hospitals in the state to achieve this designation are in Chicago, Peoria and Springfield.

Expert schedule juggler applauds healthcare from anywhere

Mother with chronic asthma uses InstaCare for fast treatment without missing work or losing time with her family.

Sudden hearing loss leads to tech-aided transformation

“She opted for the Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA) ... which carries the sound from the hearing ear to the non-hearing ear.”

Research-rich career changes lives far beyond cellular level

Dr. Greenberg’s life work is impactful to patients and their families, with the digestive health team serving about 5,000 patients a year.

Grateful grandmother raises money for other moms and babies

Once-worried Altamont family pays it forward by raising money for services that support the families of the region's in-need babies.

Doctor becomes the patient in life-saving kidney transplant

Memorable patient donates his kidney to Dr. Christian Wagner because the doctor treats about 45 members of his family.

Armed with protein bars and exercise, pair tackles diabetes daily

Diabetes seminar provides essential tools and tips to manage both forms of the condition that affects so many people today.

Advocate expects patients to relate to paralyzed dog's journey

“Patients get caught up in the moment with the dog and forget about being in the hospital.”

32 brilliant minds receive Carle Illinois College of Medicine offers

One local student received her Carle Illinois College of Medicine acceptance in a hand-delivered package from Dean King Li.

Nutrition for moms, babies prompts Vermilion County expansion

Positive, proactive changes are on the way for northern Vermilion County residents with expansion of WIC programming at Carle Hoopeston.

Nora's career plans take flight after her brother's birth

An emergency helicopter ride inspires new big sister, Nora, to become a NICU flight nurse one day. Meet hero flight nurse Nikki.

About Us

Our mission is to serve people through high-quality care, medical research and education. Based in Urbana, IL, Carle Health is a vertically integrated health system with more than 11,000 employees.

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The Public Relations department at Carle operates during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. CST. To contact a staff member, please call the media information line at (217) 902-5201 or email