Nick Sullivan’s life in the Army changed when a helicopter accident severely injured his brain and body.
Nick Novotny turns patient’s scary shot into happy experience, and that's just one example of how his military service serves him today.
Navy reservist Leslie Manohar, MD, who uses her hands to mend hips, knees, elbows and lives of military members and families, receives Quilt of Valor.
Veterans Employment and Education Commission award spotlights efforts to hire and retain veterans like John Land.
Carle nurses are now part of a countywide Nurse Honor Guard, which recognizes caregivers’ contributions after they pass away.
Our mission is to serve people through high-quality care, medical research and education. Based in Urbana, IL, Carle Health is a vertically integrated health system with more than 11,000 employees.
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The Public Relations department at Carle operates during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. CST. To contact a staff member, please call the media information line at (217) 902-5201 or email publicrelations@carle.com.