Epic lip-sync contest benefits young patients and spotlights talent
Tickets still available for INSYNC 2019 on Saturday, April 13 at The City Center in Champaign benefitting pediatric Therapy Services.
Tickets still available for INSYNC 2019 on Saturday, April 13 at The City Center in Champaign benefitting pediatric Therapy Services.
Commitment to energy savings in our community yields results without sacrificing patient and employee comforts.
Minimum commitment is one three-hour shift per week, and teen volunteers start the end of May or beginning of June.
“Since 1996, we’ve seen the population we serve grow by 70 percent while medical calls increased by 300 percent,” said John Koller, Cornbelt FPD chief.
Family-centered approach continues through Labor and Delivery (LD) expansion to help meet rising demand.
In “Argus,” James C. Leonard, MD, instills love of reading and promotes Carle Auxiliary and Health Beginnings.
Thirty minutes of preparation save precious minutes during farming emergencies. Focus on safety during National Farm Safety and Health Week.
One of central Illinois’ Emergency Department Approved for Pediatrics, Carle cares for and meets needs of young patients.
Illinois Fire Service Institute uses three shuttle buses donated by Carle for a disaster-response drill.
“He may not be able to dominate the basketball court like he used to, but I expect Basil to make an almost-full recovery."
Jean Huddleston of Champaign got hooked on making bears when her mom had one made for her after her dad died in 2005.
“I think it’s great to use the strengths of each of the organizations to come together to do something kind and helpful.”
Carle Auxiliary Resale Boutique benefits patients in multiple ways with social workers making connections every single day to help.
Work this fall will enhance patient and visitor access by expanding amenities and care at the Urbana campus.
To achieve a healthier community, Carle health system backs a joint effort aimed at increasing daily physical activity.
Carle Therapy Services rebuilds Urbana superintendent’s stride focusing on strength conditioning after marathon-training misstep.
Our mission is to serve people through high-quality care, medical research and education. Based in Urbana, IL, Carle Health is a vertically integrated health system with more than 11,000 employees.
Carle Public Relations will strive to cooperate with the media to the fullest extent possible. If information is not readily available, we will work to find an answer and return the call as soon as possible.
The Public Relations department at Carle operates during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. CST. To contact a staff member, please call the media information line at (217) 902-5201 or email publicrelations@carle.com.